Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Telling the world - update

We've had some good news - our paper on potential applications of the Mutating Messages ideas has been accepted at the well-respected journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution - you can see part of it here. Our other paper, describing the maths that we use, is waiting for a decision. While that's happening, you can take a look at it here - Figure 2 (page 7) shows some of the actual curves that were drawn during our experiment at The Swinton High School! Thanks to everyone at the School for your help, and fingers crossed that it gets accepted...

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Telling the world

Now that we've done the experiment and analysis, the next job is to convince the world that what we've done is interesting. In statistics, and in science, this is normally done by publishing an article in an academic journal. A journal article describes the work we've done, and also allows other scientists to challenge it. Recently we've been working on two articles - one which describes the maths that we use, and another that discusses potential applications of these ideas. We now have to wait, to see if the articles are judged to be appropriate for the journals - we'll post an update here when we have one!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Our school report

Now we know what people thought of us! Today we looked at the feedback forms from our visits to The Swinton High School. We thought about how to present the information in an interesting and accessible way, and decided to use pie charts and tag clouds. Statistical graphics like these have an interesting history - did you know that Florence Nightingale was one of the pioneers?

The pie charts cover these questions:
  • Would you recommend this sort of activity to other students?
  • Do you think that the Mutating Messages project has changed your attitude towards Statistics?
  • How much Statistics do you think you learned from the session?

Thursday, 7 July 2011

The moment of truth

We now have the results! They look a bit like this:

The solid black curve is the computer's best prediction of the original message. But we can't be sure!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Starting the analysis

We've started analysing the curves from Team 2's iPads, by writing a computer program (in a language called MATLAB). Here's part of it:

Friday, 27 May 2011

Team 1 - warmup exercise

As a warmup, Team 1 passed a drawing of a crown along the tree-shaped network. The original message was:

A first question is 'in what ways is the message mutating?'. Answering this is important if we want to do statistics on the data. Does it change size? Or change position? What about the number of points? Do different things happen on different branches? Here are some videos of the mutations along each branch:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Project video finished!

The team at Activideo have been working very hard putting together all the footage from the experiment, and now the project video is ready! It explains the whole project, with graphics and music.